(University Logo)

Stefan U. Hänßgen

(my logo)
(Picture of me - click for more)

My Addresses (University and Private)
Speaking of addresses, I finally managed to get hold of a domain of my own (before 2000!) - proudly presenting www.haenssgen.de :-)
(sth.de was taken already, yuck :/ )

My Son :)
May 6th 2002 - Tobias Philipp Hänßgen... enter the Multi Media Archive! (in German, but the pictures and movies are universal, and until he's a bit older his words aren't that much recognizable as German anyway :)
Requires a password to enter, just ask me - it was a bit annoying to take a look at the Apache logfile and see 1001 folks I don't know looking at pictures of my son (some very interesting referer tags from search machines).

My Wedding
September 1998: Ulla Vierling + Stefan Hänßgen -> Ulla + Stefan Hänßgen... here are some Pictures

My PhD Project
REAPAR - Automatic Parallelization of Irregular Recursive Programs
You can read my dissertation online (in German) thanks to the University Library's elecronic publication features.
The results of Niels Reimer's Master's Thesis on Dynamically Adapting the Degree of Parallelism with Reflexive Programs, which I co-advised, were accepted as a paper for the Irregular'96 conference.
I'm also interested in the WWW and Revision Control, leading to the WWRC project.

My complete list of Publications is available, too. You can also take a look at my Curriculum Vitae (in German, not very much up to date any more).

Pictures of my PhD Defense in April 1998 (warning, rather large)

ACM Student Chapter Karlsruhe
I used to be chairman, vice chairman and secretary, with several ACM Lectures and programming contests etc. Since my PhD I've passed on the chairmanship and am no longer actively involved (the curse of normal work life: no time for nothing...)

Here's some additional information on ACM, Student Chapters, and the benefits (in German).

Internet online
I've been co-founder and vice editor in chief of the German Internet online magazine - always looking for interesting ideas or articles all around the Net. Feel free to mail me if you have suggestions or want to write an article on some Net-related topic you're expert in. (The magazine itself has been cancelled in mid-97, and the name and domain have been sold to another magazine, but we're still working as freelance writers)

Consulting & Training
In spring '96, my scholarship ran out, so I've been financing my PhD by freelance IT consulting and training, quite successfully in fact :) If you need a consultant with more than 11 years of practical experience in areas such as UNIX, C, Internet, Lotus Notes/Domino, Client/Server computing, organizing and implementing projects, etc. just give me a call!

Since 5'1998, I had been very happy with my "regular job" at the GINIT Group and had reduced (but not abandoned) my freelance activities accordingly... however, the whole GINIT Group has gone bankrupt, killed by the stupidity and lust for revenge of its Co-Founder, RIP.
So now I'm a freelancer again - feel free to take a look at www.sth-consult.de for a list of my services, mv CV and my skill profile :)

My Interests
(Warning - overuse of smileys in the list below!)

Some local Links

(Yes, this page could be much fancier, but I have better things to do ;-) Best viewed...

(since everyone seems to have at least one animated GIF on their homepage, here is my attempt at meeting the standards - no idea where the original came from :)

Document created by Stefan Hänßgen.
Last updated: 11-May-05