Our Wedding...


Ulla Vierling + Stefan Hänßgen -> Ulla + Stefan Hänßgen

Originally, I wanted to make a nice web presentation and link to lots of background information etc, but I never seem to find the time for that, so here's the "well, it's better than nothing" solution: Four scanned pictures, three of the two of us and one of the wedding guests.

They're deliberately small to limit bandwidth. If you want the full size scans, ask me :)

(BTW, we still haven't managed to send out the official "we've married" resp. "thanx for the gifts" picture postcards, but early in November we'll have the prints and start writing letters!)

Wedding Picture 1 Wedding Picture 2 Wedding Picture 3 Wedding Picture 4

New pictures from the official photo session (only b/w at the moment, click on any picture to view the larger version):

Official Wedding Photo 1 Official Wedding Photo 2 Official Wedding Photo 3 Official Wedding Photo 4 Official Wedding Photo 5 Official Wedding Photo 6 Official Wedding Photo 7

Document created by Stefan Hänßgen.
Last updated: 04-nov-98